early morning rain

Mornings bring a new day, a new freshness. Even in the rain, mornings are new and the pains that are with us and the aches that beset us looks different once the new day begins. The following is a poem I wrote expressing the transformation that comes once we are up and out walking in the morning. It belongs to the section in A Call to Listen called The Web

early morning rain

mouth wide open
tongue thrust out
to jab the flat metallic sky
jolt it into action
eyes tightly closed to taste
the full sensation of the rain
kerplopping on my tongue

fresh manna from heaven
its tickles make me laugh
showers down my throat
into the marrow of my bones
arms high with cries from my heart
more please more
it falls pelts against my body
i jump in delight splash
down into puddle

the sky crying
cleanses make new my body
wracked with sobs and bitter salty tears
wept through the night