DECEMBER 16: December days by Colleen Keating

Friday 16th December

Day 16   

We took a picnic and did a lovely reflective walk around the lake today.

The card I had received when we arrived  was called NATURE; AND THE INSTRUCTION “TAKE A WALK . LET THE BEAUTY OF NATURE FEED YOU”

And that’s what I did today. 

The Black Swans were close up on our side of Tuggerah Lake . They graze the wrck and reeds as do the cormorants and herons and ibis  but they realise there is enough for all, 

There is a poem here but it has not come as yet,

However  sitting here , reflecting,  watching the pelican, cormorants, black swans and lots of other birds on and around the lake demonstrates a peacefulness .  

List of remembered birds on our walk to the lake today:  ducks and cute ducklings, magpies, willy wag tails, butcher birds, native miners,  ibis , swallows, wrens, raven, kookaburra, plovers  and mudlarks . 

Accepting each other and letting be is one way to peacefulness. 

Live and let live.