Spring Ginko with White Pebbles Haiku Group by Colleen Keating

Spring ginko

spring fever
paths for us to walk
bridges to cross

tinkling of water
from the bamboo pipe
magpie singing

white azaleas
bees bow to new buds
a buddha listens

sound of birds
warm sun on my back
azaleas blooming

teal ducks
float on pink azalea’s

magpies carolling
myriad of colours
nesting time

Saturday 10 September 2022

Thanks to White Pebbler, Gwen Bitti, for recording our Spring Ginko.

White Pebbles spring meeting was once again held at the Edogawa Commemorative Japanese Gardens and Regional Gallery, West Gosford. Present were Beverley George (convenor), Marilyn Humbert, Kent Robinson, Michael Thorley, Colleen Keating, Verna Rieschild and Gwen Bitti. First order of business, a casual catch-up over a hot beverage.

In sunshine and birdsong, surrounded by fragrant azaleas in all shades of pink, we headed off on our ginko. Each member decided on their own direction in which to muse — across an ornamental bridge to a roofed Japanese pavilion that overlooks a koi pond; along a paved pathway to sit under a budding wisteria vine; or down a gravel trail that runs alongside a dry-stone beach. Remaining in ikigai, each one composed a three or five haiku sequence.

A half hour later, we assembled at our indoor round table. In the weeks prior to our meeting, Beverley had sent out a worksheet. She requested that we complete a sequence of three haiku, on a topic of own choice, based on something we were experiencing, seeing or hearing in the now. Absent member, Samantha Sirimanne Hyde had sent in work. Beverley read it aloud and invited members to comment. Remarks were recorded and would be forwarded to Sam. Following that, we shared and workshopped delightful, creative and diverse sequences crafted during our ginko, and also the ones that we had completed at home.

Deb Robinson, our kind and regular photographer, was on hand as usual to capture the moment.

Photo of group members with azaleas
From left: Michael Thorley, Marilyn Humbert, Beverley George,
Kent Robinson, Gwen Bitti, Verna Rieschild, Collen Keating

Our next ginko is scheduled for summer, and regardless of how the weather chooses to present then, we will be there to enjoy nature.

Gwen Bitti