Wildflowers and Natural Sculptors in the Bush by Colleen Keating

Mid October, Spring here in our Southern Hemisphere,  perfect for immersing ourselves in the Australian Wildflowers. We visit the Ku-Ring-Gai Wildflower Garden and another day the Bobbin Head National Park. And walk with our eyes alert to the hues of colour, scent of eucalypt and many of the wildflowers .  

Today we walk to observe the natural beauty of our landscape with its sense of place. Of course the First peoples  looked at these plants differently as they were aware of living in this world finding its riches in foods and medicine and  ritual for their spirituality . In a way my spirituality is also braided by the colours, sounds and aroma of this bush  and  they weave into my life and well being today.

Australian Wildflowers

Often under-rated.

They bloom in the wilderness  


in a rustic habitat

around fallen branches and leaves  

half hidden by logs and undergrowth

not showy

not trying to be spectacular as English flowers are

easily missed unless you take time to look

easily  ignored by the settlers on arrival in their white sailed ships

and easily replaced  by their familar gardens

some needing fire to crack their seed

some able to resist drought

 wait decades for their time to self-propagate 

a natural world that has survived for hundreds of thousand  of years 

not needing humans at all 

yet human have needed them for food , medicine and ritual

and  today we need them for our eyes that search for beauty 

 as Hopkins writes “The World is Charged with the grandeur of God” 

in a world that needs beauty to remind  us of the mystery in a world  where

“Generations have trod, have trod, have trod;

and all is seared with trade, smeared with toil

And wears man’s smudge and shares man’s smell”


Wonderful memories of the Mountain Devil from our Blue Mountain Days  Labertia Formosa here is the flower and the second photo see if you can spot the devil with his horns. In the old days made into real deveils with pipe clieaners and material. (Well before conservation !!)


Finally we enjoyed spotting Natural Sculptures in the bush. We are unable to walk the Sculptors by the sea this year as we will be out of the city so we are making up for it with