Achievments 2


Achievements  August 2018 – February 2019

Proof reading of manuscript Hildegard of Bingen: A Poetic Journey  Ginninderra Press  for publication mid year 2019

Collection of poetry Desert Patterns accepted by Ginninderra Press for publication late 2019

Haiku published in Windfall  Issue 7 2019

Poem fractured moonlight  chosen for Christmas copy  The Good Old  SGS  December 2018

Poem  friendship  in Mozzie Vol 26  Issue 10 December  2018

Poem horizon in Tamba issue No. 63  December 2018

Review of  Fire on Water Poetry Collection 2017 in Tamba  issue No. 63  December 2018

by Helene Castles

Tanka  (2)  in Eucalypt  Summer  No. 25  

Poetry Masterclass Residential  with Vanessa Kirkpatrick  at Varuna 3rd – 9th December 2018

Poems after the massacre and grandma’s recipe  book  in Mozzie Vol 26 Issue 9  October 2018

Haiku  (2)  in Echidna Track 2  Landscape  December to March.

Review of a member’s book One Woman’s Journey in Summer Women’s Ink 2108

Poetry Chapbook  Landscapes of  the Heart by John Egan and Colleen Keating publ Ginninderra 2018

Poem horizon  with acknowledge of chap book Landscape of the Heart in Mozzie Vol26 Issue 8 2018

Poem  not narcissus   in Valley Micropress Vol 21 Issue 7  by invitation  (First prize in open section  of Mozzie Poetry  Comp.)

Poem  Resignation Syndrome  in Eureka Journal 23rd October 

Poems (3) kunanyi ,country bumpkin, and blank page  in Positive Word October Issue 2018

Workshop for SWW on the topic Poetry making our Writing Shimmer 

Talk and Poetry Reading   Shared Poetry with a Local Poet for the Probus Club  Wahroonga East 3rd September 2018

Fire on Water Highly Commended in the SWW Poetry Book Award 2018

Talk  A Poetry Reading Morning  Mount St. Benedicts Library, Pennant Hills 26th July 2018

Haiku in Echidna Tracks on line September 20th 2018

Halibun in FreeXpresSion  September 2018

Haiku in FreeXpresSion August 2018

Poem  a beautiful world  2nd place in Poetry Competition  Poetry Matters August 2018


Achievments listed  July 2018 


2018 Nautilus Silver Book Award  has been given to  her book Fire on Water  published by Ginninderra Press and launched  in 2017 by Beverley George.

Poem not narcissus judged the best poem in the Open Section of The Mozzie Awards 2017  Vol 26 Issue 1 Jan/Feb 2018.

Poem shared history written for Myall Creek Gathering and Memorial – 180th anniversary

for June long weekend and chosen for the  Myall Creek web site . To be published in The Good Oil (Good Samaritan Press)

Poem caged  has been chosen for the NEW Anthology Wild published by Ginninderra Press to be launched on July 7th in Adelaide.  Colleen will read her poem at the launch.

Poem why am I so harried by thoughts published in  the Christmas edition Dec. XXXX  of  The Good Oil  (Good Samaritan Press)

Fire on Water was favourably  reviewed by Peter Pike in Free Expression Journal December 2017

memory publ. in Poetry Matters issue 30 July 2017

not narcissus  publ. in Mozzie  Vol 25 Issue 10 Dec.2017

closed  full stop  publ. in Mozzie Vol 25 Issue 9 November 2017

forgotten children and what if  publ. Vol 25 issue 4 June 2017

forgotten children  and what if  chosen to be republished in Valley Micropress Vol 20 Issue 7 

the black-necked stork and ducks publ. Vol 25 Issue 6 August 2017

to abide with me publ. in Poetry for Public Transport June 2017 No 13.

A double fold page of poetry publ. in FreeXpression called A Visit to the Northern Territory includes poems 

In the Beginning, Kakadu, Katherine Gorge 1 falling,  Katherine Gorge 2. learning to fly,

Litchfield National Park, the Jesus Bird,  and parallel realms.  


Achievements June 2017 – July 2018


boys looking at sunset


a beautiful world short listed by 2018 poetry competition of Poetry matters

winners to be announced August 2018.

river stones publ. in Mozzie no. 26 issue  5 June 2018

a few small poems pondering ducks in Mozzie no. 26 Issue 5 June 2018

Fire on Water by Colleen Keating published by Ginninderra Press and launched by Beverley George has won a  2018 Nautilus Silver Book Award. Better Books for a Better World.

Fire on Water was favourably  reviewed by Peter Pike in Free Expression Journal December 2017

Fire on Water warmly reviewed by  Judy O’Connor in Womens’ Ink  SWW July 2018.

Poem shared history written for Myall Creek Gathering and Memorial – 180th anniversary June Long weekend and chosen for the  Myall Creek web site . published in The Good Oil (Good Samaritan Press) June 2018

Mozzie May 2018

Colleen Keating’s poem not narcissus judged the best poem in the Open Section of The Mozzie Awards 2017  Vol 26 Issue 1 Jan/Feb 2018. It was later published in her award winning book Fire on Water.

Poem caged  has been chosen for the NEW Anthology Wild published by Ginninderra Press to be launched on July 7th in Adelaide.  Colleen will read her poem at the launch.

Poem why am I so harried by thoughts published in  the Christmas edition Dec. 2017  of  

The Good Oil  (Good Samaritan Press)

memory publ. in Poetry Matters issue 30 July 2017

not narcissus  publ. in Mozzie  Vol 25 Issue 10 Dec.2017

closed  full stop  publ. in Mozzie Vol 25 Issue 9 November 2017

forgotten children and what if  publ. Vol 25 issue 4 June 2017

forgotten children  and what if  chosen to be republished in Valley Micropress Vol 20 Issue 7 

the black-necked stork and ducks publ. Vol 25 Issue 6 August 2017

to abide with me publ. in Poetry for Public Transport June 2017 No 13.

A centre double fold page of poetry publ. in FreeXpression called 

A Visit to the Northern Territory includes poems 

In the Beginning, Kakadu, Katherine Gorge 1 falling,  Katherine Gorge 2. learning to fly,    Litchfield National Park, the Jesus Bird, parallel realms. 



fire-on-water-cover 2 book on petals jacarandas out our window


“The lyrical poems in this anthology invite reader participation and ongoing reflection on themes that are relevant to us all. They dig below the surface but remain accessible and vibrant. Love shines through, from marital to that conferred by grand-parenting. It flows out to encompass the vexing and heartrending question of the homeless; those displaced by war and politics, and powerless to defend themselves. The challenges of advancing years are realistically addressed in terms of downsizing, and the sale of the family home and possessions treasured over decades; the need for re-evaluation of what matters most. Nature is celebrated and the small bright moments that each day can grant to those who pause and look around them. History moves into present tense, ‘finds cracks – lets the light shine in’.” – Beverley George

“I have been reading Colleen Keating’s poems for many years now and always with pleasure. Colleen has a distinctive Australian voice that combines sensitivity with clear, powerful free verse. Her images are both striking and profound. She has the ability to bring the natural world to life and is able to give a personality to a whole landscape. So her poems are imbued with a spirit of place for both the natural and man-made environments. These poems are both moving and wise, underpinned by a gentle spirituality from a woman’s perspective.” – John Egan
“Colleen Keating’s second collection of poetry teases and tantalises. It explores the inexpressible with delightful moments of discovery. Colleen gives us a spirit of hope in a troubled world.” – Decima Wraxall


Thank you to Ginninderra Press, my new poetry book,  Fire on Water has arrived. Love the presentation.

LAUNCH DATE :   Sunday afternoon 19th November 2017 2.30 -4.30

                                              at Writers Centre Rozelle . All welcome


 col at launch


IMG_2925 IMG_2930spider web

Thank you Annette . I am proud to have my poem translated into German and to be included in the journal Hildegard Weg

in search of Hildegard of Bingen

by Colleen Keating

translated by Annette Esser

… auf der Suche nach Hildegard von Bingen

… ich nehme einen Zug aus Bingen
durchs Rheintal
an diesem Sommertag
steige auf einen steilen Hügel
erleichtert ein altes Schild zu finden Klosterruine
das auf einen grünen Pfad führt
in einen kühlen schattigen Hain

Überreste des Klosters aus dem zwölften Jahrhundert
moos-gefleckte Steinwände,
die meist von Rebstöcken bedeckt sind,
und eingebettete Baumwurzeln
das hier ist Hildegards Welt

in diesem Moment
in den Umrissen einer anderen Zeit zu stehen,
Zeit ist formlos,
die Einteilung in Jahrhunderte unscharf.

nur das Auge meiner Seele sieht
eine lebendige junge Frau
und blühende Kräutergärten

sie bereitet Salben und Säfte
steht den Kranken bei
hört auf den Wind
und findet Gott in den Hügeln über ihr

Kairos Zeit
für ihre Visionen, Schriften, Mandalas und Musik
später eine mächtige feministische Stimme
gegen Korruption Patriarchat und sinnlosen Krieg

die Erde ist unsere Mutter sie würde singen
ehre sie und sorge für sie
wenn wir sie ausbeuten und über sie herfallen
gerät sie aus dem Gleichgewicht
und der Preis wird hoch sein
dann gab es neunhundert Jahre Stille

zu unserer Zeit
ist das Maß lautstark aus der Balance geraten
das wer bietet mehr und der Dow sind die Maßstäbe
ein tägliches Reinziehen von Massakern trägt zu unserer Unterhaltung bei
Seelenverstümmelung belässt Soldaten unfähig zum Weinen

Ich lehne mich gegen die Mauer, die als Hildegards Frauenklause bezeichnet wird
im üppigen Schatten eines Mandelbaums
hängende Früchte nun lustvoll
die Leere
das Nichts
wie menschlich das Warten zu fürchten.
dass die Fülle zurück kehrt

meine Augen skandieren nach ihrer Gegenwart

das ferne Haar eines Mädchens
eingefercht in eine zerbröckelnde Nische
zieht meinen Blick an
fein und zäh

Ich fühle eine Erregung
Wie ein erstes Flattern neuen Lebens

Allzu oft sind das zerbrechliche intime Flüstern
die Helligkeit der Berührung
das Flackern einer heiligen Lampe
Tore, die wie das Atmen leicht übersehen werden

Ich sinniere über den Anstieg und Abfall meines Atems
Höre auf das Murmel n des Herzschlags

viriditas murmelt Hildegard

Hildegard ist hier
Ich zucke nicht zusammen ich habe sie erwartet
nichts wie die graue Statue an der Abtei
die Globus und Feder hält

ihre Gegenwart ist intim
Licht glüht leuchtend
ihre Arme voll Kräuter aus dem Garten
und ihre matschigen handgefertigten Sandalen
lassen mich lachen




MAY 2017








A centre spread in FreeXpresSion  Issue No 5 May 2017


Litchfield National Park

the Jesus Bird

parallel realms

In the beginning


Katherine Gorge 1.

Katherine Gorge 2 Learning to Fly