
Another image of the ocean. Here the way one day it can be full of the furies baring its teeth and the next like a ‘silken cloak’ . As you, the reader can see I love the ocean, its moods and its emotion.


an unflinching southerly
whipped up a frenzy
the outer rocks of the bombora
pointed and sharp
screamed in fury
a foaming dark monster
pounded roared devoured
all in its wake

a silken cloak
masks the bombora
liquid silver waves scroll past
fan gently onto the sand
with a whisper

on the edge
gazing to where sea and sky are one
my curled toes squelch wet sand

here extravagance excites
moods disturb
mystery seduces


Always looking for new images for the waves that roll in often looking as if they are showing off as they give off their spindrift especially golden in the morning sun. I thought of the coxcomb our rooster had when I was a little girl and it chased me all the way from the chook yard to my back door when I went up to feed it and be its friend . This day the waves had that same look.



wind whips up a moody day
buffs a motley sky

rain squalls in tide
busts out with fullness
slaps the rocks in glib elation

a wildness of waves
dizzily flamboyant
with flustered curl and spin
jostle their way to shore
plumed dandies together in a parade

rugged-up surfers
lean against their vans
scan the ocean boards still on their racks
envious of these coxcomb waves



This is the next poem in A Call to Listen . It is the second poem in the third section Treading Water.  


her night gown falls
she opens for the majesty
of morning
her young maiden blush
fills the sky

the ocean
with a shimmering smile

on the headland
a poet
like a lover
gazes in awe
ponders her beauty
and grapples for words