Story of the Homeless Man by Edison with help of his Mum

Story of the Homeless Man by Edison with help of his Mum

Story of the homeless man

We were going to the shops and we saw a homeless man. He had a stick and we were wondering what he was doing. We thought he could be making a fire to keep him warm but we were wrong. We thought he was carving a pencil but we were wrong.

When my mum asked him what was he making, he told us he was trying to make a frame. He told me how he was going to make the frame but sadly he did not have everything he needed. He explained to me that he would need some wood glue to glue the sticks together.

My mum and I said “good luck” and we went to do our shopping.


Later that day, I asked my mum “How much is wood glue?” She didn’t know. I told her I have $74 and if that was enough money to buy wood glue, maybe I could buy it for the homeless man to help him make his frames.

My mum and I went to the shops and bought some wood glue, we found the homeless man and we gave it to him. He said thank you.

As we walked back to our car a big smile filled my face and I felt great. With my big smiling face I told my mum “I’m a bucket filler!!!!”

By Edison Hay (with a little help from my mum)